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Upgrading Prior Versions to Docs2Manage 2.0

If you are currently using Docs2Manage version 1.19 or lower, you will need to upgrade your database to use the new features available in Docs2Manage.

Jet (MS Access) Provider
Before installing the latest version of Docs2Manage (D2M), you should backup your database (.mdb file) to protect it from being overwritten or corrupted during the install or upgrade procedure.  

To upgrade:
1. Install D2M
2. Open the D2M main program - you will be prompted to upgrade the database.
3. Answer Yes to the upgrade the database.
4. After the new tables and updates are installed successfully, you will be prompted of potential other updates you may need to apply.

In the case of any failure, please note the error message and contact technical support.

All other database providers
After installing D2M, browse through the Docs2Manage -> Database Scripts folder under the start menu; open the database script that matches or best matches your database server's type.  Inside the text file will be SQL statements to upgrade from a prior version.  This should be done by a database administrator with a clear understanding where the D2M tables are to be installed.  This is the only section you need to execute against your database server and database.  This section will be marked in SQL comments as follows:
-- New Table added for version 3.x DSS (or if you don't have a DOCANNOT table)
... Specific SQL Code to create DOCANNOT table...
-- END Of New Table added for version 3.x DSS 

-- New Tables added for version 3.04 DSS (or if you don't have a DOCWORDS table)
... Specific SQL Code to create DOCWORDS table...
-- END Of New Table added for version 3.04 DSS 

-- New Table added for version 4.x DSS (or if you don't have a DOCUSER and other security tables)
... Specific SQL Code to create DOCUSER, DOCGROUP, DOCRIGHTS, DOCROLE, etc tables...
-- END Of New Table added for version 4.x DSS

/* "UPGRADING TO D2M 1.0" */   (or if you don't have a DOCTREE or DOCUSERLOG tables) 
... Specific SQL Code to create DOCTREE, DOCUSERLOG , and other updates...
to the end of the script

/* "UPGRADING TO D2M 2.0" */   (or if you don't have a DOCTEMPLATE table) 
... Specific SQL Code to create the DOCTEMPLATE table and other necessary updates...
to the end of the script

Please be sure you execute this code in the same database where the other D2M database tables are located.  This database will contain the tables named DOCMAIN, DOCPIC, DOCCODE, etc.  Be sure to execute this code with the same rights or user as when the D2M tables were installed for the first time.  Grant your different database users with the proper rights to use this table.  If this is done successfully, you will not be prompted to upgrade your database when you open D2M, but to update the security information.  If you plan to be the System Security Administrator or are the only user, answer Yes several times to update the security data in the new tables.  The database cannot be accessed with the new version until this operation is finished. In the case of any failure, please note the error message and contact technical support.   ..